Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Dog walks Boy

Ethan and Daniel have taught Bourbon a new trick - or did he teach it to them? Bourbon pulls them along on their Heelies. For those not in the know, Heelies are sneakers with wheels on the bottom... almost like roller skates but less conspicuous.
And what about all that work we put in to training Bourbon not to pull when he's on his leash? That might have been undone. But at least he's ready for a back-up career as a sled dog, if this laying-on-the-couch-all-day career doesn't work out.


Anonymous said...

Bourbon's going to end up with a split personality. Nice pictures. It looks like Ethan has realy sprung up.

Anonymous said...

That should tire Bourbon out, more than his couch career will!

Anita said...

It's so funny to watch him pull the kids. He LOVES to pull. He'd be great as a sled dog, aside from the fact that he'd freeze to death with his pitbull coat.

And he does get tired after about 5 minutes of that, and just wants to come inside and take a nap...

Anonymous said...

Only 5 minutes!??! What a bargain! I may have to get a pair of those things to tire Abi out. My luck, I'd end up head first in a bush.

Anita said...

Actually it is a little scary - Bourbon tends to stop randomly to sniff a mailbox or drink from a puddle. So the boy he is pulling must always be ready for the abrupt halt. It's an unpredictable ride at best.

Anonymous said...

I think I see some scraped knees in the future.....

Tracey said...

That gives me memories when we use to do that with our St Bernard, we used a skateboard. He knew when it was time to pull one of us neighborhood kids. He had a blast playing with us.