Friday, June 20, 2008

Update on Bourbon

After spending over $4000 to find no explanation for the vomitting and GI bleeding, Bourbon seems to be doing better. After he started vomitting again on Sunday, we witheld all food and water for almost 3 days (we gave him subcuntaeous fluids at home), and now we are very slowly increasing his food and water. He's still on a bunch of different meds, and it's gettting harder and harder to fool him into taking them. He now sucks the liverworst off the pills and spits the pills out.

But his PCV was up to 30% on Wednesday (from his low of 17%; normal range is 37-55%), so the GI bleeding may have stopped. I took him in for another shot of Cerenia on Wednesday to stop the vomitting, and he's been on oral Cerenia since then. It seems to be working.

He's mostly on a diet of rice and egg whites (a quarter cup at a time), and I'm a little afraid to introduce real dog food too soon. If he goes a few more days without vomitting I might sneak a little dog food into his diet and see what happens. Since we don't know what is wrong in the first place, we don't know if it will get better or worse.

So we'll just wait and see.


Anonymous said...

That's an obscene amount of money, but no one ever said pets were cheap. I just hope he's not suffering.

Anonymous said...

You're not kidding it's an obscene amount of money. We really expected to find some foreign object inside him that he had eaten, but the tests failed to show anything in there. Next they wanted to do exploratory surgery, but we said no.

He doesn't seem to be suffering at all. He seems pretty happy actually. Although I'm sure vomitting is not fun, he never showed any signs of being uncomfortable. He was lethargic and sleepy from the blood loss but that's the extent of his apparent suffering. And now, he seems almost back to his old self (although his progressive loss of sight is becoming more obvious).

Tracey said...

Glad to hear that he is doing better. As for the expense, all I can say is, "Wow!"

Anonymous said...

Glad no one really knows how much we spent on Abi. I can tell you it was a lot more than that!

Have they looked at his pancreas? Abi seemed to have pancreatitis which developed similar symptoms, but she definitely wasn't herself. Then again, she had cancer as well. We ended up giving her a special canned food and antacids to counteract the pancreatitis.

Anonymous said...

They did initially consider pancreatitis, but that is supposed to be painful, and he has had no tenderness or pain (that we could discern). Then again he's got that pit bull pain tolerance, so maybe he was in pain and didn't show it.