Sunday, October 12, 2008

children of the corn

Every year at this time I say, "you know, I'd really like to go to a corn maze..." but it's always either raining, or we're too busy, or I am disgusted by the ridiculous price, etc. But today, the weather was perfect and it was just a corn-maze kind of day. So Dave, Sara and I went. And of course we had to take the hayride to the pumpkin patch and pick pumpkins, which will be turned into Jack-o-lanterns on halloween day.


Anonymous said...

This reminds me of a birthday many years ago when we took you and your birthday party guests to the pumpkin farm to pick out pumpkins. Was that the day we brought home that crazy cat? That was also after a farm visit in but probably not on that same day. I guess that was the turkey farm visit.

Tracey said...

Anita, did you bring anything else home besides the pumpkins? Any stray animals! LOL Well it looks like you had a great day.