Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Week 9 ....... *crickets chirping*

Not much going on. We failed our framing inspection last week because the HVAC joints were not taped. The HVAC guy came yesterday and taped them, and the plumbing inspector is coming friday to re-inspect. Then the framing inspector has to come back and re-inspect the re-inspected taped joints.

Earliest date for sheetrock is next week or more likely, the week after next. The sheetrocking schedule is what determines the ordering of the flooring, which is what determines how quickly the spawn move upstairs and take all their STUFF out of my living room...

The siders were on vacation last week so they didn't come. They are supposed to come "later this week". Siding is not time-critical for anything though. It would just be nice to have.

But just to keep you all entertained, here's a picture of Bourbon.


Anonymous said...

Too bad about the untaped HVAC joints. Pazienza!

Anonymous said...

Bourbon looks like quite the gentleman!

We're moving rather slowly at the moment as well. Though we have a rather nice fence, I have to say!