The color that looked *absolutely fabulous* in the dining room looked absolutely hideous in the living room when I painted it yesterday. I tried to like it, I really did - I tried to convince myself that maybe with the lampshades up, or with the pictures up, it really wouldn't be so bad. But the denial wore off and I was faced with the ugly truth that I would have to repaint. I had really wanted the living room and dining room to be the same color... but clearly that is not possible, if I want a dark dramatic color in the dining room and and I'm not willing to let the living room look like a dungeon.
So, off I went to Lowes today, and dropped another $86 (that paint is expensive!) on basically the same color I had in the living room before - It's Valspar Signature "Straw Hat". But I am leaving the far wall of the living room in "Wooden Spoon". Here you can see the two colors, although it's hard to tell on the computer. They are very close in tone, but Wooden Spoon is merely a darker shade of Straw Hat. You can see in the picture that the two colors are very different in intensity (the blotch to the left of the window is Straw Hat, the rest of that wall is Wooden Spoon). But to the right of the window, you can see how subtle the difference is when they are on adjacent walls.