Thursday, May 08, 2008

Lots of boxes

The cabinets were delivered today, and the spackler is spackling away.


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see those cabinets.

Anonymous said...

don't you just love the chaos of home renovation projects?

Or not.

Anita said...


The spackler *might* finish today, which would allow Dave and I to paint this weekend. Then cabinets can start going in on Monday. If he doesn't finish spackling today, cabinets can't go in until later in the week next week. So I'm really hoping he finishes.

Anonymous said...

Professional spacklers just amaze me. OK, so it takes very little to amaze me, particularly these days, but having tried it myself, they make it look so easy.

I hope he finishes today. And if it's as damp there as it is here, I hope that there's no delay in it drying.

Anita said...

Spackling is a lot of work and I don't have the attention span for it.

It's raining today and that definitely puts a damper (pun intended) on things. Last night we had the A/C on and two fans blowing in the kitchen so the mud he put up yesterday would be dry enough to sand today.

Meanwhile I have been looking for a bar faucet, and I'm running out of time. I don't know why it is, but bar faucets are obscenely expensive. Last week I bought an entire kitchen faucet suite - the faucet, sprayer, control handle and soap dispenser, at Lowes for under $200. In stainless steel. But I can't seem to find a similar bar faucet, which is much smaller, and doesn't even come with any of those accessories, for under $400. What's the deal with that??