Saturday, September 30, 2006


Today was productive. Even though Dave got paged every 17 milliseconds from work, and we had a soccer game, a little league game, and a tennis lesson to cart the spawn to, we still managed to get over to Lowes and pick out most of our remaining accessories. We have to go back to Lowes with the van tomorrow to pick up the vinyl tile, vanity and sink top for the laundry room.

And did you ever wonder who actually buys carpet from Empire Today, the company that comes to your house with all the carpet samples and installs the next day? On a lark I called them a few days ago, and they came today. And we actually bought our carpet from them. They had a limited selection but we were looking for standard goods - basic (but durable) plush carpeting for the kids's rooms in blue and gray. We got a good deal - at least a little cheaper than Lowes/Home Depot and they're basically on stand-by for installation with a 24-hour lead time. You can't beat that... as soon as the walls are painted we'll have the carpets installed so we can shave days off our move-in date.


Anonymous said...

That Empire Today sounds good. If you had too many choices, it would have been unnecessarily confusing,

Anita said...

Too many choices, like at Lowes today? We left without buying the sink top because I just couldn't make up my mind. The one I want is almost $500, and the ones they had in stock for about $225 were cheap looking. The dilemma was too much for me so I decided to mull it over a bit. Although, I'd better mull quickly.

Anonymous said...

We're about to go through the same thing with paint colors for the outside of the house. We were going to go with pre-painted siding, but it was faster to get the unpainted stuff. So now we've gone from 8 choices to 3.6 billion. Ugh.