Monday, October 02, 2006

they don't know nothin bout no fax

Who would have predicted this scenerio? My architect sent the fax and letter to the building department on September 28, the same day as the infamous failed insulation inspection. The inspector said he'd pass us as sooon as he got that letter. I got my hard copy on Saturday, as I'm sure the building department did too - he sent them 3 copies signed and sealed. I called the building department today and they have absolutely no knowledge of a fax, a letter, or anything contingent on any letter. The said I have to call the inspector himself when he gets back into the office at 3:30 today.

Rockers are scheduled to start tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like some DC bureaucrats have migrated to NJ. That really stinks. HOpefully you'll get it straightened out easily and quickly.

Anonymous said...

They probably have someone in the zoning office who hasn't entered the 21st ( or even the 20th) century and doesn't know how to deal with faxes.

Anita said...

My guess is that when it came, some random person took it off the fax, looked at it, scratched his/her head, and put it in the pile of unclaimed faxes. Or it fell on the floor between the desk and the filing cabinet. And the hard copies that were received on Saturday, if they were opened at all, were placed in the "to be filed" pile.. which is the equivalent of pergatory for mail.

I bet I will have to go down to the building office and show them my hard copy. It's deja vu all over again - like the time they insisted they didn't "lose" my zoning approval, they simply "misplaced" it...

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah, definately DC ex-pats. It'll probably be less hassle for you to go down there.

Anita said...

Well I called the inspector at 3:35, and got passed back and forth from one person to the next until they finally came to the conclusion that no one had seen the fax or the letter. So I went down to the building office with my copy, and they gave me tentative approval.

Whatever. We're rocking tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I just caught up on a couple of weeks activity in Hillsborough and a lot has happened! Siding is up, isulation installed, inside accessories, carpeting, etc. purchased and sheetrock ready to be installed - now that's progress. Too bad about the frustrating insulation glitch, but what would a huge project like this be without a few glitches? Hang in there, you'll be finished very soon. Nice vanity too.