Monday, October 23, 2006

Week 15 - "we can do it in 4 hours"

"We don't need to hire someone, we can bang that floor out in about 4 hours."

Four Jupiter hours, maybe. We worked about 8 hours on Saturday and about 15 hours on Sunday to get the hardwood floor installed. Here's Dave on Saturday night when it had become apparent that the job was going to take us *a little* longer than anticipated.

As you can see, he did an amazing job. Aided by my skills at.... handing him things, of course. He had to make a lot of precision cuts, and deal with a nail gun that kept jamming (and had to be returned to the rental shop for a different one), and door jams that weren't *quite* 3/4" off the floor... yet even at 11:30 pm after a 15-hour day, he never waivered from his standard of perfection.

I also got the laundry room floor tiles in, and a bit more painting done. But there is still more painting to do before the carpets go in.


Anonymous said...

Nice job, Dave, and Anita, too! The floor looks beautiful. That painting sounds unending.

Anita said...

The floor looks so nice, it makes me want to refinish the downstairs floors now...

Anonymous said...

You re really incorrigible! Dave must get scared when he hears you talk like that!

Dave said...

If you take off the time I had to spend fooling with the floor nailer, and the time spent trimming door jambs, and the time spent getting up off the floor, walking to the mitre saw, cutting a little piece off, and the time spent going down 2 flights of stairs to the table saw in order to rip a piece down so it would fit "just right"... then yeah... it was about 4 hours :p

It saved us a lot of money that you could... scratch that... have ALREADY spent.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...we've been thinkng of putting hardwood in upstairs. Since you've clearly gotten practice in over the past few days, wanna come down and show off your skills in our house? :)

Anita said...

I don't think there's enough beer in the world that would make Dave come within 20 feet of a pneumatic floor nailer again.

But you have our moral support.. LOL!

It's not really that hard, if you don't have a floor nailer that jams every 5 nails, and if you don't have to saw off the ends of door jams. The results are well worth it - there is nothing like hardwood floors. That's what floors are supposed to be made of, IMO.

Dave said...

Not enough beer in the world? Speak for yourself girlfriend... If Rob and Erica supply the beer, I'd be happy to help install the floor. Throw in a few wings and I'll even bring some tools down there (table saw, mitre saw, jigsaw, various hammers and stuff).

And I'll bring my sign:

"Will Work For BEER"

Anita said...

guess I underestimated the power of beer.. :)

Anonymous said...

We've even got a lot of the tools, so you wouldn't need to BYO.

We'll start stocking beer. Any requests???

Tracey said...

You better add two more mouthfuls to have some of that beer, I prefer wine; but beer will do. We've done alittle wood flooring ourselves back oh I say about 12 years ago. A very small area in our condo. Worked well for Tyler at the time when he used his roller walker and the neighbors below us could tell we were around!!! We didn't use a floor nailer although that would have been nice to have. Anyways, all looks great and beautiful.