Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Week 4 - Tuesday

Most of the framing is done. Here's the view of the stairwell, with the wall framed. On the other side of that wall will be the laundry room. To the left of the window is a small closet, which will house the litterbox. No more litter box in the bathroom!

All the windows are now framed, but 3 of them are not cut out yet. There is probably no reason to cut them out, since the windows can't go in for 2 more weeks.

Erica and Rob - the race is on to see who can get their windows in first!


Anonymous said...

Finally! An incentive for our contractor to get his butt moving! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Erica has to show her contractor your entire blog. He might learn something!

Anita said...

oh, I don't know... their contractor is catching up fast! Their addition is not far behind ours.

Anonymous said...

But you should see our yard! Your's looks like no one's been there at all. Ours looks as if a herd of wild elephants used it as a mosh pit!

Anita said...

Other than that big ol' dumpster in the driveway, yeah.. I'm amazed they haven't touched any of the landscaping at all. Then again, there was no excavation with this project like there was with yours. I think that tends to make more of a mess.

Anonymous said...

Ah, but we have no dumpster! (I don't know how that works, and I'm not asking). And yes, I guess digging a big pit in your yarnd then trying to find somewhere to put all of the displaced dirt can lead to nothing BUT a mess...

Anonymous said...

It's fun to watch all this progress. Thank you for sharing it with us. Being the daughter of a small-time builder I can appreciate it nostalgically. We always had a new house to live in - one year was considered "getting old." I love the smell of new wood!
