Monday, November 06, 2006

Week 17 - The Handrail-Challenged

Today Louie stopped over and we talked about how to build the Handrail From Hell. I ended up calling the company that makes the components, LJSmith, and talked to a very nice lady for an hour about my stairs. In the course of the conversation I realized I didn't have anywhere near the room I thought I had for the fancy doohicky thing I wanted. We'll have to pick a slightly different set of components. Good thing I called her.

The handrail will take a while longer, while we sort it all out. Meanwhile, we've been painting Hannah's room a bright purple (wow, it sure is purple!), and Dave built Sara a set of "cubes" for her to use as a dresser.. the idea being that if she doesn't have to go through the extra step of opening a drawer to put away her clothes, they might actually get put away more regularly.

Pics of the cubes and the purple room coming soon..


Anonymous said...

We're anxious to see that purple room and compare it to Rob's "IMPERIAL PURPLE"!

Anita said...

It's a much more feminine purple than Rob's purple. But it is bright.

We plan to buy Hannah a new bedroom set. The poor child is using everyone's leftover furniture. Seems the youngest child in a big family is always the welfare child.

Tracey said...

Hey, Could Dave make me a set of "cubes" for Tyler. He sincerely needs that kind of set up. His clean clothes live on his bedroom floor. With his dresser drawers wide open and emptied. Go figure, he could lift his clothes off the floor into the drawers. But no, that's what a teenager does. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. Keep asking him to clean his room, he claims it's fine. Big huge mess!!!

Anita said...

I'll let you know if the cubes do the trick... but I suspect even stashing the clothes into the cubes will be too much work for her.

Well I guess it's payback. I remember, that's pretty much how I kept my room at 15 too.

Anonymous said...

I had no idea that anyone could talk about banisters for an hour! I'm impressed! Though it kind of stinks that you've got to rework everything.

Looking forward to seeing the purple room! And just FYI, there's no purple planned (yet) for our new and improved house. Our formerly Thyme Flower kitchen will now be Honey Dew.

Anita said...

What color is honey dew? Is it the inside (peach) or outside (green)? Either will be pretty. Those colors remind me of a caribbean resort.

It was the type of volute and the angle of the upeasing that kept us on the phone for an hour. And the fact that we have a slightly smaller starter step than is typical, by a couple inches. Those couple inches mean the volute is just a *hair* too big for the space, and will look clunky. So we probably need to go with a smaller piece called a turnout, which is not a full sized swervey-thing.

Volute, upeasing, turnout, and swervey-thing are technical terms.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe that we have to deal with volutes, upeasings or swervy-things. We do have some do-wazzys, however.

Honey dew is a yellow-ish green. I'm really hoping is doesn't turn fluorescent on the walls. That happened to us before. The new problem we're having is that the guy at Sears, where we get the paint, told us that the Martha Stewart bases are "unavailable" at the moment. Not discontinued, just "unavailable". And of course, we've got 3 colors left to buy. I'm going to be visiting Sears up in PA when we go this weekend. Grrrrr...