Wednesday, November 22, 2006

What color???

Here's the couch we bought for my new office. I can't decide what color to paint the office. I had originally wanted a dark color, like brick or maroon. But the room is only 9 X 14, so I'm worried that I won't want to spend 8 hours a day in such a dark room.

The hallway color (Cracker Bitz by Olympic) looks great with this couch, but do I want the same color in the office as I have in the hallway? Isn't that an awful lot of cracker bitz?

I do NOT want white. Or anything remotely suggesting white. I want color - but I can't decide how dark I want to go.

so, what would you do?


Tracey said...

Go with light beige tones. It's not white. The beige tone would go well with the couch color.

Anonymous said...

what about a lighter version of cracker bitz? Same but different.

When we first painted our office, I was about to write my dissertation, so I wanted to pick a good dissertating color. I figured blue or purple would be too calming (didn't want to fall asleep), and red would be too irritating. The color that I ended up picking was a bright spring green and it worked out really well.

Anita said...

I think you are both right. I'm leaning toward a golden beige at this point, which is a lighter version of cracker bitz (with a hint more gold).

We just got back from the Valencia Hotel in San Antonio, TX, where the hotel was decorated in a sort of Asian/spanish colonial/contemporary style - lots of brown, beige, black and red. I loved all the black wood accents. I'm thinking, dark wood in this office, with the golden wall color.

Anonymous said...

I think my 3 daughters solved the problem of the room color beautifully, each one contributing valuable input. I'm not so sure about that black trim. Peut-etre?

Anita said...

No, not black trim. Off-white trim (same as in the hallway and everywhere), but dark brown wood, for my desk, the bookcases, and the ottoman (which will be leather with dark brown legs). And an off-white shag rug, probably the exact same one I bought for Hannah's room at Lowes.

So it looks like this weekend will be another weekend spent painting. But at least it is a small room.

Anonymous said...

Sooooo? What color did you paint it? Inquiring minds want to know!